Explore the Evolution of the Hoodie: From Athletes to Streetwear

Let’s go back in time to discover where hoodies came from. They’ve been around since ancient times, mentioned in texts from over 3,000 years ago. Back then, they were used in different cultures for practical reasons or as part of religious clothing, especially in Medieval Europe.

Looking Back: Where Hoodies Started

The 1930s: How the Hoodie Came to Be

In the 1930s, a company called Champion Products, which used to be called Knickerbocker Knitting Company, created the first hoodie. They made improvements to the fabric, making it more comfortable and durable. This was a big deal, especially for workers in cold places like New York.

The 1960s: Athletes Start Loving Hoodies

During the 1960s, athletes began to really like hoodies. Even famous boxer Muhammad Ali wore one, showing that hoodies weren’t just for sports anymore.
The 1960s: Athletes Start Loving Hoodies

The 1970s: Hoodies in Movies and as a Symbol of Rebellion

In the 1970s, the movie “Rocky” made hoodies famous. They became a symbol of determination and strength. At the same time, in places like New York City, hoodies were worn by graffiti artists and became a symbol of standing up against authority.

The 1980s: Hoodies Become Cool Street Fashion

As the 1980s rolled in, hoodies became more than just sportswear. They became a fashion statement, especially in hip-hop and skateboarding cultures. People used them to express their individuality and rebellious spirit.

The 1990s: Hoodies in Music and Fashion

In the 1990s, rap music made hoodies even more popular. Luxury brands started making them too, mixing street style with high fashion. It was a time when everyone wanted to wear a hoodie.

The 2000s: Hoodies Go Global

By the 2000s, hoodies were everywhere—in music videos, worn by celebrities, and even in the tech world. They became a symbol of comfort and personal style for people all around the world.

The 2010s: Hoodies in the Tech World

In the 2010s, even people in the tech industry started wearing hoodies as their everyday work clothes. It became a symbol of casualness and individuality, breaking away from traditional office attire.

Today: Hoodies Are Everywhere

In today’s world, especially with the pandemic, hoodies have become everyone’s favorite comfy clothing. They’re perfect for working from home and for expressing personal style. Plus, now you can even design your own hoodie with cool prints thanks to new technology.

Customize Your Style with Linostee’s Hoodie Designs

At Linostee, we take pride in providing a wide array of hoodie designs for you to personalize. Whether you’re passionate about showcasing your favorite logo, car, motorcycle, sports team, or a cherished custom photo, we’re here to bring your vision to life.
Simply share your request with us, and we’ll handle the rest! We prioritize your satisfaction, which is why we’ll send you a demo first to ensure it meets your expectations before finalizing the customization. Your happiness is our priority, and we’re committed to delivering a hoodie that truly reflects your unique style and preferences.
Shop now and make a statement wherever you go!